
Grants for Women’s Employment Projects Now Open

Applications are open until March 14th.

You can apply for grants for product development, marketing, and wage costs (for newly established companies). The maximum grant is 4 million ISK, and you can apply for grants covering half of the costs.

You can also apply for grants for the preparation of business plans amounting to 600,000 ISK.

Conditions for grant allocation include innovation in the idea/project, majority ownership by women (51%), and that the project leads to job creation. Additionally, applications must be well completed, and email applications are not accepted.

Grants will be processed at the beginning of May, with allocations made in mid-May.

As in the past two years, those who receive grants for business plan preparation will be invited to participate in a fast-track program where they can compete for prizes. We will provide more details on this arrangement later.

Inquiries about grants can be sent to the project manager at asdis.gudmundsdottir@vmst.is. You can also book an appointment on the website (book a consultation).

Svanni Loan credit insurance fund

The Svanni Loan Credit fund is being revised, we are not accepting applications at the moment.